Hoop5 Resources

 Contractors and subcontractor for the federal government are required to comply with a number of strict cybersecurity regulations such as CMMC and DFARS. A failure to comply with these regulations can mean a loss of government contracts, or an inability to obtain them.

Cybersecurity regulation compliance is especially important for companies contracting with the DoD. This is because DoD data can be extremely sensitive and compromising it can have direct and serious national security threats.

Here to Help.

Hoop5 has an extensive knowledge of the construction industry as well as the cyber requirements requested by Harper Construction. We understand that the cybersecurity regulations, requirements, and framework might seem like an overwhelming task. Hoop5 is here to help you navigate the complexities of cybersecurity, address any specific security challenges, and provide overall guidance to ensure that your company is prepared to respond and comply with any DFARS and CMMC requirements.


Compliance & Security Services

•Compliance Audit Preparation

•Compliance Readiness Assessments

•Compliance Remediation

•Security Awareness Training

•Simulated Phishing Campaigns

•DNS Protection

•Mobile Device & BYOD Management

•Advanced Endpoint Protection

•Patch & Firmware Management

•Email Encryption / Spam Filtering

•Firewall Management

•Vulnerability Scans & Penetration Testing

•Multifactor Authentication

•Log Collection & Analysis (SIEM)